Regional history and organ building. Fairground and street organs that were built in the last century in Waldkirch and delivered throughout the world. During our guided tours the instruments of our famous organ collection are played and informative backgrounds are told. At the heart of the collection are the jukeboxes built in Waldkirch with a focus on concert of the companies Bruder and Ruth & Sohn.More info museum info More info Schwarzwald tourism
Grunderzeit Museum in Mahlsdorf
The Mahlsdorfer collection is one of the most impressive founding period collections in Germany. It consists of 17 fully furnished exhibition rooms including a mechanical music machine collection. In the basement there is a kitchen equipment and the oldest surviving Zillekneipe Berlin with Vereinszimmer and Hurenstube.
Hüttels Musikwerkeausstellung
Director: Wolfgang Huttel. Wide range of instruments from organs to orchestrions, disc and cylinder boxes to barrel organs.
Heinz Nixdorf Museumforum
History of computer, with some mechanical music instruments.
Markisches Museum
The foundation of the collection is made up of phonograms, sheet music and archives, which from about 1850 document the modern concert scene in Berlin as an expression of bourgeois life. Since 1997, the historical and mechanical musical instruments belong to this collection and also provide an insight into the 19th century Berlin musical instruments.