Restaurant Auberge de la Truite containing about 10 organs which can be played during the meal.
Cafe Au Palais Des Orgues Moritier
Collection of 3 large Mortier organs. In the small village of Herzeele, the organ café is a rare Flemish curiosity. Every Sunday afternoon, the organs start, and play tunes of the past, polka, tango, waltz, rumba … recreating the atmosphere of the balls of the beautiful era. More than 500 pieces of music. Two of the organs are in the Rococo style. The third, dating from 1939, displays a more refined style Art Deco tandem. Review on MMD Herzeele Organ Cafe. More info and photos Cafe des Orgues
La Ferme Des Orgues
Range of automatic instruments from music boxes to orchestrions. Director: Patrick Desnoulez.
Maison De La Musique Mecanique De Mirecourt
Collection includes a variety of orchestrions, mechanical pianos, push-ups, street organs and dance organs. This collection dedicated to mechanical instruments is managed by Maurice and his daughter Françoise, both, passionate about these instruments. The first Serinette Mirecourt organs were intended to imitate the canary birds in vogue for their repetitive vocal qualities. Music soon moved on to quadrilles, and waltzes sounded better and contributed to more fun in the living room.
Musee D’Art Forain Et De Musique Raymon D’YS
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