Death Valley National Park. Welte 3 manual 15 rank pipe organ with Welte piano and Welte or Wurlitzer roll-player, Welte Mignon reproducing piano, Deagan tower chimes with automatic mechanism and roll-player.
Musee D’Horlogerie Du Locle Chateau Des Monts
Jaquet-Droz clocks, one includes a set of flutes and musical couple who begin to play on the hour or on demand. The second clock with serinette and bird originally had a Louis XV or Louis XVI cabinet. Edouard-Constant Sandoz collection of watches and automatons.
Museum Mechanischer Musikinstrumente
A walk through the museum shows about 250 years of mechanical musical instruments. The smallest of the museum’s objects is a music box: it measures just 1.5 cm × 1.5 cm – which is a difference to the carousel organ measuring 3.00 m × 4.00 m. Almost all instruments are ready to play, and guided tours of the museum give the visitors many different sound experiences. Britta Edelmann, MA – museum director.
Collection ranges from flute clocks to orchestrions.
Siegfrieds Mechanishes Musikkabinett
About 350 self-playing musical instruments from three centuries including a Hupfeld-Violina-Phonoliszt, Weber Maesto, Welte cinema organ, Model 104 Gebr. Bruder Symphony Orchestra Organ, and Poppers Violinovo. A 45-minute tour with music. Guided tours in nine languages. Director: Siegfried Wendel.