Criterion and Regina music boxes, phonographs, player piano. Instruments demonstrated.
Marvin’s Marvelous Mechanical Musuem
Nickelodeons, music boxes, phonos, arcade machines.
The Music House Museum
Eight miles north of Traverse City. Music boxes, barrel organ, player and reproducing pianos, orchestrions, phonographs, Violano, jukeboxes, organs of all types including a Mortier 97 key, and a Wurlitzer theatre organ.
Western Reserve Historical Society
Colorful, hand-carved wooden horses, once at Euclid Beach Park on Cleveland’s lakefront, now welcome riders once again in the Carousel Pavilion at the Western Reserve Historical Society.
Wheels O’Time Museum
A museum of the 20th Century. Among the exhibits is a music room with a “magic” player piano, Edison phonograph,a barrel piano and other items of interest. Open May/Oct, Wed/Sun from noon until 5pm. Groups of 20 or more by appointment. Bobbie Rice.