The 2018 MBSI Annual Meeting will be hosted by the Mid-America Chapter in Detroit, MI, from August 28 – September 1
Download a copy of the MBSI 2018 Annual Meeting Registration Packet
WEDNESDAY. August 29
Bring along your passports to enjoy this optional tour and lunch.
Henk and Irene Noordermeer
This tour will take you over the Blue Water Bridge at Port Huron, to Melbourne, Canada. Please note that everyone choosing this option MUST HAVE A VALID PASSPORT IN HAND in order to board the bus. There will be NO EXCEPTIONS made. Enhanced Drivers Licenses from the states of Michigan, Minnesota, New York, Vermont and Washington will be considered as passports for this purpose. Standard drivers licenses from any state will not be accepted. Each person must have their own identification. Any questions or clarifications on this policy must be addressed prior to the meeting.
Henk started out collecting phonographs and has filled his house and part of another building with examples from around the world. A tour through their beautiful home will include the finished basement which shows off most of the phonographs and record collection. Irene has an example of every salt dip ever made (it seems). They can be viewed in various display cabinets throughout. The ground floor presents some extremely rare phonographs, music boxes, a Mills Deluxe Violano, and a Nelson-Wiggen piano. The separate collection building {with a recent addition) houses more
phonographs, early televisions, radios and related equipment, a Cremona piano, a Coinola X, a Bruderfairorgan and an 80 key Mortier Dance Organ.
THURSDAY, August 30
This tour is comprised of two major stops, and includes lunch. A tight schedule will be kept in order to accommodate
the busses crisscrossing each other, and to have the lunch period as reasonable as possible. The two collections are described below.
Stahl Automotive Foundation
Ted Stahl is the owner of this fantastic collection which includes over 125 classic cars from Brass, Depression, Pre/Post War and Modem Eras including several one-of-a-kind treasurers. They are displayed in a large building erected just for the collection. Surrounding the vehicles are original Route 66 signage, vintage neon lights and gas pumps. There also is a drive-in theater and a 50s diner replica.
More recently, Ted has become interested in mechanical music and has put together a very impressive collection including a 125 key Gaudin Fair Organ, a Weber Maesto, Mills Deluxe Violano, Hupfeld Phonoliszt, 97 Key Mortier Dance Organ, Mortier Cafe Organ, several jukeboxes and music boxes. There is also a Wurlitzer Theatre Organ installed into the structure which will be played live, during the tour.
Bronson Musikalle
The Bronson collection is a multi-generational effort within two buildings. The original structure features a nice display of music boxes -cylinders, table top discs and changers, along with American nickelodeons, a Mills Deluxe Violano, band organs, crank organs, an Arburo, a Bursens Street Organ and a 121 key Decap Dance Organ. The walls are covered with a number of items, some musically related, some not.
The later building was designed for, and exhibits, a premier display of statuary by American artist John Rogers, who published his works primarily from 1860-1893. Over 50 of the groups were professionally photographed for inclusion in a book written by the Curator ofAmerican Art, of the New-York Historical Society.
Musically within are a 1914 Philipps Pianella Pfau, a Steinway Duo-Art grand, a Mason & Hamlin Ampico ·B· and replicas of a Wurlitzer Harp and Encore Banjo. Built into the structure is a 3-manual, 10-rank, Wurlitzer Theatre Organ. Many top artists have been recorded on the digital playback system which allows for live performances. Describing the entire complex, assistant curator Spank says unashamedly, “It’s the most exquisite and extensive collection of mechanical music in Dundee.” And finally, some may be shocked to see a demonstration of a small, but important display of high-tension evacuated paraphernalia, including Crookes and Geissler tubes.
FRIDAY, August 31
This tour involves a bus ride to the FOX Theatre and includes lunch at the acclaimed Hockeytown Cafe.
We have chosen to enjoy a pizza buffet lunch, because it is consistently one of the local favorites and equally as important, it will get us over to the theatre faster. After lunch, we’ll walk across the street to the FOX. The theatre was built by film pioneer William Fox at a cost of $10.5 million, completed in 1928. The theme is Oriental, dominated by Burmese, Hindu, Persian and Chinese. After falling on hard times, it was purchased in the mid-80s. The new owner pledged to bring the structure back to its original grandeur. One year and $12 million later, the promise was fulfilled.
The Grand Lobby is 37 feet long and 60 feet high with massive columns on both sides. The auditorium at 105 feet in height, is completely adorned with ornate, architectural castings and has a seating capacity of over 5000, in three levels. The stage is 130 feet wide with the proscenium at over 77 feet. Filling this movie palace with music is the original 4-manual, 36.rank, 2500 pipe Wurlitzer organ. The plan is to have the theatre tour, including back stage, followed by a demonstration on the Wurlitzer.
David Ramey
Coin Piano Pneumatics 101
David is a well-known, long-time and active restorer of automatic music machines. Learn the basic principles of pneumatic vacuum systems in coin pianos and orchestrions. Find out how those little holes in the paper make music.
Charlie Moore
What’s New with the Old Roller Organ?
The presentation will begin with an introduction of the roller organ, or organette, made by the Autophone Company, that plays a pinned wooden roller. Then, based on experience with numerous examples, the development of the Concert Roller Organs with the two bellows vacuum system will be discussed, as well as other modifications. The workshop ends with a revival of the “Name that Roller Organ Tunen game, 2018 edition.
Bill Edgerton
Replicating the Seeburg KT Special
Bill will give a heavily-illustrated presentation around his decision to build the Seeburg KT Special replica, describing some of the problems encountered along the way, ending with the unveiling at the MBSI Annual Meeting in 1986.
Bob and Diane Yates
Nineteen Fascinating and Rare Musical Instruments
Decades of collecting and numerous past presentations culminate in this video from the creative minds of Bob and Diane. Machines from their personal collection, generally in the small, hand cranked class, are shown and played. Bob guarantees that they are “fascinating” and “rare,” but notes that in a couple of cases, the term “musical” may be misleading.
Richard Dutton
Researching Tunes and Their Composers
Rich is a recognized expert on the music of the Grand Roller Organ and his research has taken him into other areas. This workshop will present techniques and websites for online research about tunes on mechanical music machines, who composed and popularized them and what role they played in the culture of their times, and how to locate sheet music for them that can be viewed and downloaded at no charge. Some of the tunes discussed will be played on a Grand Roller Organ.
Dwight Porter
Disc and Cylinder Music Boxes
The Porter Music Box Company is a premier restorer of music boxes of all types. They produce new disc boxes and the music for them as well. Dwight will talk about the new automatic Porter changer with tubular chimes. He’ll also give some restoration tips including the importance of re-cementing Swiss box cylinders and proper adjustments for Regina Changers.
Marty Persky
The Sanfilippo Collection
Marty will present a behind-the-scenes view of the development and future of the Sanfilippo collection, its stately settings and the Sanfilippo Foundation that shares the experience through group tours and fund raising events for charitable organizations.