The simultaneous sounding of several tones, usually three or more.
The generic term for stringed automatic musical instruments which are played by hammers, bowed, strummed, etc.
Adjective used to describe the presence of all twelve different tones (including sharps) in a Western music scale. A chromatic scale has all twelve notes in succession, without any omissions. A non-chromatic scale (often seen in band organs) is one in which one or more notes are omitted from the chromatic 12-note scale.
Tuned percussion instrument having metal bars struck by large felt hammers. Used in theatre organs. Resembles a large scale celesta (also listed in this Glossary) with electropneumatic action. The tone resembles that of the hand-played vibraharp.
clarinet pipe
Reed pipe with a cylindrical open resonator; imitative of the orchestral instrument. Used as a rank in pipe organs, band organs, photoplayers, and some large European orchestrions. * Also spelled: clarinette, clarionette.