The thick resinous material which is used in the cylinder of a musical box to hold the pins in place and to afford a deeper, more resonant sound.
center spindle
The device in a disc musical box which holds the disc in its proper position for playing and has the height wheel attached to it for proper alignment of the disc.
chain perforations
Closely-spaced (separated by narrow paper "bridges") perforations in a music roll. Instead of a long open slot, the chain perforation is used to give added strength to the paper and to minimize tearing or wrinkling. The bridges are very small and do not interrupt the flow of air in the tracker bar hole. The result is a continuously-sounding or sustained note or control function.
chamber organ
A barrel organ in a styled cabinet which was softly voiced and meant for play in parlors and related areas.
cymbal. Term used in some European orchestrion and dance organ scales to indicate hi-hat cymbal (also listed in this Glossary).