To turn off a function which was previously switched (or "locked") on. * Synonym: off, piano (universal, originally from Italian). * Dutch: afsluiter. * French: declan, declanche, ferme jeux. * German: ab, Abshieber, ausschalten.
cardboard music
See book music.
1. Set of bells, usually three to four octaves in range, played from a keyboard or by a pinned cylinder or other automatic device, used mainly in clock and church towers. 2. In pipe organs, dance organs, and street organs a mixture of a stopped flute and one or more ranks of high-pitched pipes tuned to upper harmonics of the desired note. Imitative of small bells, especially when played staccato.
carousel organ
Band organ used on a carousel or merry-go-round. * Synonym: fairground organ.
cartel box
A large-sized (over 13") cylinder musical box usually associated with Geneva, Switzerland, where it was first made.