High bass notes, approximately in the octave immediately below middle C. Frequently used for countermelody parts or to reinforce the melody.
theatre organ
Pipe organ made for accompanying silent films, or for entertainment between films, in a movie theatre or cinema. Loudly-voiced (usually with 15" and 25" pressure for certain pipe ranks) and contained in one or more swell chambers for volume control. Contains pipes imitative of orchestra instruments. Contains tibia pipes as a main foundation rank. Unified control system by means of which functions assigned to a particular keyboard or manual can be shifted to another by means of pneumatic or electrical connections, and for this reason sometimes called a unit organ or unit orchestra (the latter being a Wurlitzer trademark: Wurlitzer Hope-Jones Unit Orchestra). Usually with a horseshoe-shaped console. * British synonym: cinema organ.
1. The subject part of a musical composition; the main melody (as opposed to the accompaniment or countermelody). 2. Mechanism in Duo-Art and other reproducing, expression, and player pianos which accents a note or chord.
tibia clausa pipe
Huge-scale stopped flute pipe having almost no harmonics. Used widely in theatre organs.
tibia pipe
In a church organ, an open wood 8′ flute pipe. In a theatre organ, a large scale stopped flute considered to be a foundation rank.