Mills Novelty Company’s name for the motor which drives the paper roll mechanism in the Violano-Virtuoso and other Mills instruments.
first wheel
The wheel in the governor assembly that meshes, via its pinion, with the great wheel of the cylinder.
flageolet pipe
1. In band organs, a short loudly-voiced open wood pipe frequently used to supplement or augment the tone and volume of the piccolo. 2. In orchestrions, a short treble flute or a description of the highest one or two octaves of a flute rank.
flap valve
A strip of leather (sometimes backed with stiff metal, wood or faced with blotter paper or rubber cloth) attached to a bellows or reservoir which permits air to pass in only one direction.
Flotenuhr (German)
Flute or organ-playing clockwork not necessarily associated with a timepiece, but often provided with a timepiece in order to set off the music at a specified hour.