The front or proscenium of a fairground or dance organ, usually detachable for tuning, servicing, and shipping. Ornate facades include many carvings, carved figures, a bandleader; some include lighting effects, etc.
fagott pipe
A pipe organ rank somewhat imitative of the orchestral bassoon. * Synonyms: fagot, fagotto.
fairground organ
Mainly English-usage term for a loudly-voiced self-contained automatic organ designed for skating rink, carousel, or outdoor use. Usually decorated with an ornate facade. * Synonyms: fair organ, band organ (American usage), carousel organ, military band organ (especially an instrument with brass trumpets and trombones; American usage).
fan fly
The mechanism used to govern the speed of the musical mechanism by means of a rotating fan or air brake using air resistance upon the fan blades. Synonym: airbrake.
feeder bellows
The main bellows of a pump which supply suction or wind pressure to a reservoir.