A unit of measure equal to 1/12 French inch, (2.256 mm) sometimes used to describe the diameter of a music box cylinder.
lock and cancel
Descriptive of a control used to operate a pneumatic musical instrument. One short perforation locks the mechanism in the "on" position, in which position it remains until another perforation releases it to the "off" position. In this way an effect (a pipe register, for example) can be "on" for a long period of time without having to use an extended or chain perforation, which would weaken the paper. See general cancel.
marche. Cylinder music box equipped with multiple springs and special gearing to provide an extended playing time after winding.
lotus flute pipe
Stopped flute pipe, usually of limited musical range, used in orchestrions (e.g., Hupfeld Pan Orchestra, Sinfonie Jazz, and late Helios styles) and organs, mainly circa 1910-1930, but especially in the 1920s. Usually equipped with a vibrato device which, together with music arranged to "slide" (i.e., glissando effect) from one note to the next, imparts a haunting rising and falling tone to the music. Usually played as a solo effect using specially-arranged music rolls. * Compare to the Swanee whistle. * German: Lotos Flöte.
loud pedal
In a piano the sustaining pedal. (Popular usage, technically inaccurate.)