A small case, sometimes in the shape of a piano or other elegant form, with such "necessary" items as scissors, thread, needles, etc. Many also have a miniature musical movement.
1. An early theatre, mainly circa 1903-1914, which charged 5 cents admission. Nickelodeon = nickel + odeon (the Greek word for theatre). * Synonym: nickelodeon theatre. 2. Term used to describe a coin-operated piano, orchestrion, or similar instrument. (Modern usage; never used by the manufacturers. Such instruments originally were called electric pianos, orchestrions, etc. The nickelodeon term has become very popular and is in wide use among collectors and the public today.)
oboe pipe
Brightly-voiced reed pipe with a conical metal resonator. Used as a solo rank in certain large orchestrions or as a solo and ensemble stop in pipe organs.
octave coupler
See coupler.
1. A musical interval of eight notes. Every note has exactly double the number of vibrations per second of its corresponding note an octave lower and half the vibrations of its corresponding note an octave higher. 2. Term popularly used to describe thirteen equally-tuned half steps including the notes at each end (i.e., C to C, the twelve-toned equal temperament scale into which the octave is divided on the piano and in most pipe ranks). Sometimes called the chromatic scale. In original catalogs (e.g., Operators Piano Co. description of Coinola percussion) and in popular usage today a "two octave" set of xylophone bars would mean a 24-note chromatic set, for example. As noted, the 13-step terminology is also often used, especially in describing pipe ranks. 3. A 4′ pipe organ rank of flute or diapason tone. For example, Welte identified the 4′ flute rank in many orchestrions the "octave."