Paper-roll-operated piano and pipe organ combination unit (or sometimes, an organ only, without piano) used to provide a musical background for mortuary services. The Seeburg Style MO is an example.
The mechanism of a small automatic musical instrument, esp. a music box. * Synonym: musical movement.
moving picture scene
1. Scene painted on glass with motion effects provided by rotating light cylinders (for waterfalls, rivers, etc.), moving silhouettes of railroad trains, dirigibles, hot air balloons, etc. projected from behind. 2. Actual three-dimensional model of village scene with water wheel, railroad train, cog railroad, and other animated elements built behind glass in front of a painted scene. Lighting effects provide daylight, sunset, lights in little buildings, moonlight, etc. Both styles popular in German orchestrions c. 1905-1912, and very desirable by collectors today. * Synonyms: motion picture effect, moving picture effect.
The use of a single hole in a tracker bar (or key in a key frame, etc.) to perform multiple functions, usually in combination with other holes. Thus, for example, holes 1, 2, and 3 may have separate functions when used singly; 1 and 2 have a different function when used at the same time; 1 and 3 have still another function, etc. Used in certain of reproducing pianos, large orchestrions, and other instruments to reduce the number of holes needed in the tracker bar (and, consequently, the width of the roll). Examples of multiplexing can be found in the Hupfeld Pan Orchestra, Weber Maesto, and Seeburg KT Special, to cite just three of many examples.
music book
See book music.