The MBSI Endowment Fund was created exclusively for the benefit of special projects or programs approved by the Musical Box Society International Board of Trustees. No part of the trust estate is to be distributed for the general operation of MBSI except as otherwise expressly provided in the terms of any specific gift to the Endowment Fund.
Management of the Endowment Fund is by a separate Fund Board of five (5) Trustees including the MBSI Treasurer, two (2) members from the MBSI Board of Trustees, and two (2) members at large.
The Fund Board of Trustees may distribute funds from the trust estate in the form of grants or loans to MBSI Chapters in good standing for projects and/or programs which will have a lasting impact on the preservation and/or presentation of automatic musical instruments; for projects and/or programs of particular historical or scholarly merit; and for other projects and/or programs as approved by the MBSI Board of Trustees.
The Endowment Fund, set aside to earn interest, is held separate and apart from other MBSI funds. Under no circumstances shall more than sixty-seven (67) percent of the accrued income on Endowment Fund principal be distributed for projects or programs thereby ensuring continued growth of the fund. In no event and under no circumstances shall any of the principal be spent or loaned thus ensuring that gifts to the fund will last in perpetuity.
Your financial help is vital
A gift of any size is welcome. Outright gifts in the form of cash, appreciated real estate or securities, automatic musical instruments or other real property, art objects, bequests, life insurance, and individual retirement accounts are just some of the many ways in which you may contribute. Consult with your attorney or tax advisor regarding options for giving to the Fund.
Tax benefits of giving to the MBSI Endowment Fund
The Musical Box Society International is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. All donations to the Endowment Fund are tax deductible. Changes to federal gift and estate tax laws make it advisable to review your current estate and tax planning with an attorney or financial planning specialist. A gift of long term appreciated property could have beneficial tax implications for the donor, possibly more tax advantageous than cash.
Making a gift to the MBSI Endowment Fund
For donations you wish to make at this time, contact the MBSI Treasurer or any member of the MBSI Finance Committee. Their names are listed in the MBSI News Bulletin. Those who whish to leave a gift to the MBSI Endowment Fund after death should contact an attorney or estate planning specialist. A bequest can take many forms including Charitable Remainder Trusts, Annuities, Donor Advised Funds, and a number of other alternatives. Appropriate documents must be drawn providing instructions for the distribution of a donation. Unspecified gifts will be allocated to necessary programs and activities as deemed appropriate by the MBSI trustees. If you wish to leave all or any portion of your estate to the Endowment Fund, your will or trust documents must clearly specify that intention. An existing will or trust can be changed by an attorney to reflect your wish to leave a gift to the Endowment Fund. Any bequest to the Endowment Fund will receive the careful attention of the Endowment Fund Board of Trustees.
Why give?
In order for anything once alive to have meaning, its effect must remain alive in eternity in some way (Ernest Becker Philosopher). Planning for the future is an obligation of those of us who are here today. Throughout its history, MBSI has fostered an interest in and preservation of automatic musical instruments. Your gift will support programs to help insure that future generations appreciate these achievements of man’s creative genius. Gifts given today and planned for after your death will support MBSI’s mission in the future.
For more information…
Please do not hesitate to contact the MBSI Treasurer, any officer, or any of the MBSI Board of Trustees.
P.O. Box 10196
Springfield, MO 65808-0196